
What does community mean to you?

This is my daughter Kaia.

She has a rare neurodevelopmental disorder called GNB1 Syndrome.

She uses a manual wheelchair and needs a lot of equipment to interact with her world.

Being mom to three daughters including Kaia has surrounded our family with community. Her special needs have brought us into the folds of unique communities.

I applied the skills I learned in Electronic Circuit Theory to modify electronic toys to use adaptive switches. I often adapt toys for other children at Kaia’s therapy facilities or schools.

Adapted electronic toys can cost up to 5 times as much as their typical counterparts.

Adapting electronic toys involves interrupting the internal power circuit and placing a 3.5mm female plug that connects to the switch.

Adaptive switches come in many varieties, depending on how large and how much pressure is required to operate the switch. Almost all switches have a 3.5mm male jack to use with the female plug.

I am also the President of the Parent-Teacher Organization at Kaia’s public special education school. I plan to use this position to organize workshops on adapting toys for interested staff, faculty, and parents.